Independent Schools’ Bursars Association
This three-day annual conference for Independent Schools’ Bursars Association featured an exhibition with keynote speeches, seminars and a gala dinner.
Three-Day Annual Conference with exhibition, keynote speeches, seminars and gala dinner. The Conference provides a unique opportunity for organisations to connect with more than 500 bursars or equivalent budget holders sourcing their school’s products and services. The ISBA is committed to engaging with delegates through an energising and informative programme of speakers, and facilitating networking and business opportunities through a vibrant exhibition and interactive programme of social events. With more than 200 exhibition stands and in excess of 700 exhibiting professionals, this was the largest exhibition ever held at ICC Wales.
ICC Wales has clearly been very well planned in terms of the flow of the rooms. There is room for people to spread out which is important, it’s a big capacity facility. The staff have shown a can-do attitude and been very welcoming, co-operative and helpful.

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