ICC Wales strengthens position as an exciting new destination for UK medical conferences
ICC Wales, Wales’s first dedicated convention centre, will be hosting a series of medical conferences that will support the post-pandemic recovery of the in-person medical meetings sector and highlight the venue’s pivotal role in the recovery of the UK Meetings Industry.
This stunning venue first opened its doors in 2019 for the annual three-day Association of Stoma Care Nurses UK 2019 conference and more recently, welcomed over 1,400 delegates for the Royal College of Midwives annual conference in October 2022.
The venue will now host more than 4,000 healthcare professionals over six major events in 2023, and a further 2,400 delegates for events already scheduled for 2024. These events are projected to generate over £9 million for the South Wales economy over the next two years.
Among some of the key wins are the British Society of Interventional Radiology which will hold its Annual Scientific Meeting at ICC Wales in November 2023 and is projected to boost the local economy by £1.3 million; The British Renal Society’s UK Kidney Week is set to drive £1.1 million into the local economy in June 2023; and the Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery of Great Britain and Ireland, delivering a further £1.1 million in March 2024.
The biggest economic impact boost will be in July 2024, when 800 delegates from the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) are projected to bring spending of £1.5 million to the region.
The British Society of Echocardiography’s BSEcho conference will take place in October 2023, having originally booked the Newport-based venue back in June 2018, a year before building work at ICC Wales was completed.
Danielle Bounds, Sales Director, ICC Wales commented: “We are excited to welcome such a wide range of medical conferences to ICC Wales over the next two years, from specialties such as radiology, reconstructive surgery, and emergency medicine. Wales has a thriving Life Sciences Sector, and these events continue to contribute not just to the South Wales economy but also in raising ICC Wales’s profile as the alternative new destination for national and global medical events.”